Partners and Engagement

33 Forever is creating professional partnerships to expand its reach, influence and effectiveness in reaching its organizational mission and vision.

33 Forever has developed and continues to develop tremendous local partnerships. It has active and close working relationships with the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, NAMI Richland County, numerous local mental health providers, both nonprofit and for profit, who provide resources and referral options to those who reach out for help from it. 33 Forever representatives are members of the Richland County Suicide Prevention Coalition and are supporters of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and its North Central Ohio “Out of The Darkness Walk.” Those relationships continue to expand.

In early 2021, Board established the 33 Forever Professional Advisory Committee. This Committee includes mental health professionals from both the public and private sectors and profit and non-profit worlds. Its purpose is to leverage this professional expertise and guidance to keep 33 Forever and its acitivites consistent with the “best practices” in the mental health.

Statewide, 33 Forever representatives have been selected to sit on the statewide, highly-inflluential Boards statewide including NAMI Ohio and the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation, as well as the statewide Family Advocates for Suicide Prevention. 33 Forever has also developed a close working relationship with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health, whose staff also provide it critical mental health resources and referral options. In 2021, 33 Forever established the “Behavioral Health Immediate Care and 33 Forever Endowed Fund” at Ohio State to support the BHIC Clinic at OSU’s Harding Hospital and the Department of Psychiatry at OSU and, in addition, the cutting edge suicide prevention research team at The Ohio State University. Further, the relationship with Nationwide Children’s Hospital Behavioral Health and its “On Our Sleeves” program continues to grow as well, providing 33 Forever key resources and referral options for young people.

33 Forever is also fortunate to have developed support and key connections in the Ohio General Assembly and Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, as well as other well-placed federal, state and local legislative and governmental connections to help it to be a part of important mental health conversations with real-life stories to give those governmental officials more than just a sterile impersonal discussions of funding and programs but a better understanding of those individuals and families they are directly impacting and serving. These relationships provide 33 Forever even more access to a seat at the tables in mental health discussions and advocacy efforts. 

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

 Send us your questions, comments, suggestions, volunteer, offer personal stories, experiences or offer professional assistance. We would love to hear from you. 


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Text: MHA to 741741

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